using namespace std; #include /* for exit() */ #include #include "task.h" #include "gni_irk2.h" #include #include #include void dump_menu(); // forward reference void usage() { cout << "dr_irk2 [options]\n" "\n" "Options include\n" " -task tttt Use the equations of motion for task tttt.\n" " See below for a list.\n" " -step dd.dd Set stepsize.\n" " -tbegin tt Set initial time.\n" " -method d Choose Gaussian method of order 2*d.\n" " -verbosity v Determine verbosity of output; -v 1 = normal.\n" " -quiet Same as -verb 0; print only summary.\n" " -iterate N Iterate N times, advancing the end-time 10X each round\n" " -odt Set minimum spacing of output points.\n" " -aux aa.aa Set auxiliary parameter:\n" " ... eccentricity for kepler-orbit\n" " ... initial velocity for ratio-gun\n" " -h Print this message (and exit).\n" "\n" "The following tasks are implemented in this version:\n" ; dump_menu(); cout << "\n" "Task names can be abbreviated as much as you dare.\n" ; } list_item* menu_root(0); static list_guard whatever(menu_root, "guard"); void dump_menu(){ tasklist_item* item((tasklist_item*)menu_root->next); FLP tbegin, tend, stepsize; int ndim; cout << " " << setw(22) << "default:"; cout << " tbegin tend stepsize nsteps ndim aux odt" << endl; while (item) { cout << " " << setw(22) << left << item->name; cout << right; item->info(&tbegin, &tend, &stepsize, &ndim); INT nstep = (tend - tbegin + stepsize/2.) / stepsize; cout << setw(8) << tbegin << " " << setw(8) << tend << " " << setw(8) << stepsize << " " << setw(8) << nstep << " " << setw(4) << ndim << " " << setw(8) << item->aux << setw(8) << item->odt << endl; item = (tasklist_item*)item->next; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return time with millisecond resolution // seconds since the epoch FLP jtime() { struct timeb mytime; ftime(&mytime); return mytime.time + mytime.millitm / 1000.; } //////////////// // little utility to help with argument parsing: // int prefix(const string shorter, const string longer){ return shorter == longer.substr(0, shorter.length()); } /////////////////////////// // Main program // int main(const INT _argc, const char* _argv[]) { tasklist_item* thisItem((tasklist_item*)menu_root->next); if (!thisItem) { cerr << "No tasks implemented in this version!?!?" << endl; exit(1); } INT meth(6), ndim; FLP stepsize(0); string task_name("kepler"); FLP tbegin, tend; INT maxiter(1); // argument processing: INT argc(_argc); const char **argv(_argv); string progname(*argv); argv++; argc--; int did_info(0); while (argc) { string opt(*argv); argv++; argc--; if (opt.substr(0,2) == "--") opt = opt.substr(1); if (prefix(opt, "-help")) { usage(); exit(0); } if (prefix(opt, "-task")) { if (did_info > 0) { cerr << "The -task option should appear only once." << endl; exit(1); } if (did_info < 0) { cerr << "The -task option should come first." << endl; exit(1); } if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -task requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } task_name = *argv; argv++; argc--; while (thisItem) { if (prefix(task_name, thisItem->name)) goto got1; thisItem = (tasklist_item*)thisItem->next; } // Here if we fell off the end of the task-menu: cerr << "Task '" << task_name << "' is not on the menu;" << endl; cerr << " try 'dr_irk2 -help' for a list of possibilities." << endl; exit(1); got1:;;; // Here with a valid task. thisItem->info(&tbegin, &tend, &stepsize, &ndim); did_info = 1; continue; } // Here if we have an option other than -h and -task. // Need a task. Default to first thing on menu list: if (!did_info){ thisItem->info(&tbegin, &tend, &stepsize, &ndim); did_info = -1; } if (prefix(opt, "-quiet")) { thisItem->verbosity = 0; } else if (prefix(opt, "-verbosity")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -verbosity requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } thisItem->verbosity = atoi(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-method")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -method requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } meth = atoi(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-iterate")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -iterate requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } maxiter = atoi(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-stepsize")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -stepsize requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } stepsize = atof(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-tbegin")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -tbegin requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } tbegin = atof(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-tend")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -tend requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } tend = atof(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-aux")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -aux requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } thisItem->aux = *argv; argv++; argc--; } else if (prefix(opt, "-odt")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -odt requires an argument" << endl; exit(1); } thisItem->odt = atof(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else { cerr << "Unrecognized option '" << opt << "'" << endl; exit(1); } } // STILL no task? Default to first thing on menu list: if (!did_info){ thisItem->info(&tbegin, &tend, &stepsize, &ndim); } FLP p[ndim], q[ndim], pex[ndim], qex[ndim]; const int par_needed(10); const int parsize(20); // KLUDGE INT ipar[parsize]; FLP rpar[parsize]; FLP time0, time1; INT nstep; thisItem->setup(tbegin, tend, ndim, q, p, qex, pex, rpar, ipar); nstep = (INT) ((tend - tbegin) / stepsize); cout << "** main:: " << " method: " << meth << " tbegin: " << tbegin << " tend: " << tend << " nstep: " << nstep << " stepsize: " << stepsize << " iter: " << maxiter << endl; cout << "** " << thisItem->name << " ... " << " ndim: " << ndim << " aux: " << thisItem->aux << " odt: " << thisItem->odt << endl; for (int ii = par_needed; ii < parsize; ii++) { ipar[ii] = 10001 * ii; rpar[ii] = 100001. * ii; } /* --- CALL OF THE METHOD */ time0 = jtime(); for (int ii = 0; ;) { for (int kk = 0; kk < par_needed; ++kk) { rpar[kk] = 0.; ipar[kk] = 0; } gni_irk2(ndim, thisItem, &nstep, &tbegin, p, q, &tend, &meth, rpar, ipar); if (++ii >= maxiter) break; tbegin = tend; tend = 10. * tbegin; // keep the same number of steps per decade } time1 = jtime(); for (int ii = par_needed; ii < parsize; ii++) { if (ipar[ii] != 10001 * ii) { cerr << "Porridge eaten: " << ii << endl; } if (rpar[ii] != 100001. * ii) { cerr << "Chair crushed: " << ii << endl; } } thisItem->statistics(ndim, nstep, tbegin, tend, q, p, qex, pex, time1-time0); } /* int main() */