#!/usr/bin/perl -w # terpub - tool for downloading instrument approach plates # and other terminal procedures publications use strict; use Symbol; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use Data::Dumper; my $main_chart_host="aeronav.faa.gov"; my $execfile='c:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe'; sub usage { print <. # We use the word chart to refer to any TPP, even ones that # are in text format (not just graphical chart format). # We prefer the word "cycle" whereas the FAA prefers the word # "version" to refer to the successive numbered release cycles. # We use the word "enroll" to mean scheduling a chart to be # fetched. This involves appending it to %todo or %todo2. sub scan_meta { my ($fname, $cycle_number) = @_; my $from_edate; my $to_edate; my $old_delim = $/; $/ = '>'; my $inch = Symbol::gensym; open ($inch, '<', $fname) || die "Could not open input metafile '$fname'\n"; my $cur_state; my $cur_city; my $cur_airport; my %tmp_chart; my $cur_apt_ident; my $cur_icao_ident; my @cities = (); my @apt_names = (); #?? my %cities_by_state = (); #?? my %states_by_city = (); my $inrecord = 0; my %interested = (); # These are the fields that can occur in a hash # representing a given chart: for my $field ('chart_code', 'chart_name', 'pdf_name', 'useraction', 'record') { $interested{$field} = 1; } liner: while (my $line = <$inch>) { #xx print "$line\n"; # chart record stuff: if ($inrecord) { if ($line =~ m'^<[^/]') { next liner; # a beginning; not interesting } if ($line =~ m' if ($interested{$endof}) { if ($endof eq 'record') { $inrecord = 0; push @{$cur_airport->{'charts'}}, {%tmp_chart}; next liner; } $tmp_chart{$endof} = $inner; } } else { die "inrecord: not a beginning or an ending\n"; } next liner; } if ($line =~ m'') { my $settings = $`; if ($settings =~ m'\bcycle="([^"]*)"') { if ($cycle_number != $1) { die "File cycle $1 does not match requested $cycle_number\n"; } } else { die "No cycle= within the element\n"; } if ($settings =~ m'\bfrom_edate="([^"]*)"') { $from_edate = $1; } else { die "No from_edate= within the element\n"; } if ($settings =~ m'\bto_edate="([^"]*)"') { $to_edate = $1; } else { die "No to_edate= within the element\n"; } } else { die "Unclosed '') { $inrecord = 1; %tmp_chart = (city => $cur_city); next liner; } ### airport stuff if ($line =~ m'^{'airports'}}, $cur_airport; $cur_airport->{'charts'} = []; if ($line =~ m'ID="([^"]*)"') { my $id = $1; $cur_airport->{'id'} = $id; } else { die "Airport without an ID?!\n"; } if ($line =~ m'apt_ident="([^"]*)"') { $cur_airport->{faa_ident} = $1; } if ($line =~ m'icao_ident="([^"]*)"') { $cur_airport->{icao_ident} = $1; } next liner; } ### city stuff if ($line =~ m'^{'cities'}}, $cur_city; if ($line =~ m'ID="([^"]*)"') { my $id = $1; $cur_city->{'id'} = $id; my $ali_str = $id; $ali_str =~ s"[ \t]*[(]"/"; $ali_str =~ s'[)]''; $cur_city->{'aliases'} = [split('/', $ali_str)]; } else { die "City without an ID?!\n"; } $cur_city->{'airports'} = []; next liner; } ### state stuff if ($line =~ m'^{'id'} = $1; $allstate{lc($1)} = $cur_state; } else { die "state with no ID?!\n"; } if ($line =~ m'state_fullname="([^"]*)"') { $cur_state->{'fullname'} = $1; } $cur_state->{'cities'} = []; next liner; } } # close $inch; $/ = $old_delim; #xx print Dumper({%allstate}); return ($from_edate, $to_edate); } # Check return code via: is_success($rslt) # Special return code 299 means file already on disk. # Special return code 298 means excused absence. # Special return code 599 means file rename failed. # # possible usage: # url_to_file($url, $file, ok404=>'OK'); sub url_to_file { my $url = shift @_; my $file = shift @_; my %flags = @_; my $city = $flags{'city'}; if ($verbosity > 2) { printf STDERR "url_to_file: %-30s --> %s\n", $url, $file; } if (-r $file) { if ($verbosity) { print STDERR "... already on disk: '$file'"; if ($city) { print STDERR " # $city"; } print STDERR "\n"; } return 299; } $verbosity && print STDERR "... downloading: '$file'\n"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $resp = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => "$file.part"); my $headers = $resp->{_headers}; if ($verbosity > 2) { for my $key (sort keys %$resp) { print STDERR "$key -> $resp->{$key}\n"; } print STDERR "-----------------\n"; for my $key (sort keys %$headers) { print STDERR "$key -> $headers->{$key}\n"; } print STDERR "=================\n"; } my $rslt = $resp->{_rc}; if (is_success($rslt)) { if ($verbosity > 1) { print STDERR "... success ($rslt) $headers->{'content-type'}\n"; } if (rename("$file.part", $file)) { return $rslt; } print STDERR "... rename failed: '$file.part' --> '$file'\n"; return 599; } if ($flags{ok404} && $rslt == 404) { $verbosity && print STDERR "... excused absence: '$file'\n"; return 298; } printf STDERR "*** download failed: $rslt\n"; printf STDERR "*** $resp->{_msg}\n"; printf STDERR "*** URL was: $url\n"; # should we remove the .part file? return $rslt; } sub write_index_html { my ($cycle_number, $from_edate, $to_edate) = @_; my $PageHeader = < Instrument Procedures
Cycle $cycle_number effective from $from_edate
to $to_edate
EoF ## Colgroup does not appreciably speed up the rendering, ## but does improve the appearance quite a bit. my $TableHeader = < EoF my $ndx = Symbol::gensym; my $cycle_dir = "tpp-$cycle_number"; my $fname = "$cycle_dir/index.html"; open($ndx, '>', $fname) || die "unable to write index file '$fname' : $!\n"; print $ndx $PageHeader; my $td = ''; my $nbsp = ' '; for my $state (@states) { print $ndx "{'id'}$Q>", "


\n"; print $ndx $TableHeader; for my $city (@{$state->{'cities'}}) { my $city_id = $city->{'id'}; # Experiments show is definitely an improvement: $city_id =~ s'-'-'; $city_id =~ s'/'/'; my $last_city_id = '--none--'; for my $airport (@{$city->{'airports'}}){ my $ident; my $icao_ident = $airport->{'icao_ident'}; my $faa_ident = $airport->{'faa_ident'}; if ($icao_ident eq 'K' . $faa_ident || $icao_ident eq 'P' . $faa_ident) { $ident = $icao_ident; } elsif ($icao_ident eq '') { $ident = "$faa_ident"; } else { $ident = "$icao_ident :: $faa_ident"; } my $airport_id = $airport->{'id'}; $airport_id =~ s'-'-'; $airport_id =~ s'/'/'; my $last_airport_id = '--none--'; for my $chart (@{$airport->{'charts'}}){ if ($city_id eq $last_city_id) { $city_id = ''; } $last_city_id = $city_id; if ($airport_id eq $last_airport_id) { $airport_id = ''; $ident = ''; } $last_airport_id = $airport_id; print $ndx "\n"; print $ndx "$td$city_id\n"; print $ndx "$td$airport_id\n"; print $ndx "$td$ident\n"; my $act = $chart->{'useraction'}; $act =~ s/[ \t]*//g; if ($act eq '') { $act = $nbsp; } my $pdf = $chart->{'pdf_name'}; my $exists = 'style="color:red"'; if (-r "$cycle_dir/$pdf") { $exists = ''; } my $compare = $pdf; $compare =~ s/[.]PDF/_CMP.PDF/; my $newpatt = "C"; # It is entirely OK if the following substitution fails; # it just means that there were no changes. $act =~ s"C"$newpatt"; print $ndx "$td$act\n"; print $ndx "$td$chart->{'chart_code'}\n"; my $chartname = $chart->{'chart_name'}; $chartname =~ s'RWY 'RWY '; print $ndx "$td$chartname"; print $ndx "\n"; } } } print $ndx "\n"; } # OK thats everything, lets terminate the table print $ndx < EoF close($ndx); } sub enroll_whole_airport { my ($airport) = @_; for my $chart (@{$airport->{'charts'}}) { my $pdf = $chart->{'pdf_name'}; my $act = $chart->{'useraction'}; if ($act !~ m/D/) { $todo{$pdf} = 1; } else { my $cname = $chart->{'chart_name'}; $verbosity && print "... skipping deleted: $cname ($pdf)\n"; } if ($act =~ m/C/) { my $compare = $pdf; $compare =~ s/[.]PDF/_CMP.PDF/; $todo2{"compare_pdf/$compare"} = 1; } } } sub enroll_whole_city { my ($city) = @_; for my $airport (@{$city->{'airports'}}) { enroll_whole_airport($airport); } } sub enroll_whole_state { my ($state) = @_; for my $city (@{$state->{'cities'}}) { enroll_whole_city($city); } } # Scan all the args in @idargs and fetch # the corresponding requested documents sub scan_identifier_args { fetcher: while (@idargs) { my $idarg = shift @idargs; if ($idarg =~ ',$') { $idarg .= shift @idargs; } $idarg = lc($idarg); #### print STDERR "... $idarg ...\n"; if (length($idarg) == 2) { #xx print STDERR "st: $idarg\n"; if (exists $allstate{$idarg}) { enroll_whole_state($allstate{$idarg}); next fetcher; } die "No match for state abbrev '$idarg'\n"; } my $did1 = 0; #### # handle "city,st" my @stuff = split(",", $idarg); if ((0+@stuff) == 2) { my $ct = $stuff[0]; my $st = $stuff[1]; if (exists $allstate{$st}) { my $state = $allstate{$st}; for my $city (@{$state->{'cities'}}) { for my $alias (@{$city->{'aliases'}}) { $alias = lc($alias); if ($ct eq $alias) { enroll_whole_city($city); $did1++; } } } if ($did1) { next fetcher; # success } die "No match for city '$ct' given arg '$idarg'\n"; } die "No match for state '$st' given arg '$idarg'\n"; } #### # handle airport identifier: for my $state (@states) { for my $city (@{$state->{'cities'}}) { for my $airport (@{$city->{'airports'}}) { if ($idarg =~ m/^$airport->{'faa_ident'}$/i || $idarg =~ m/^$airport->{'icao_ident'}$/i) { $verbosity && print "Match airport: $idarg\n"; enroll_whole_airport($airport); next fetcher; # assume airport idents are unique } } } } #### # handle stateless city: if (1) { # stateless city is the only remaining possibility my $ct = $idarg; for my $st (keys %allstate) { # loop over all states my $state = $allstate{$st}; # get full record for this state ##### print STDERR "... $st ... $state ...\n"; for my $city (@{$state->{'cities'}}) { for my $alias (@{$city->{'aliases'}}) { $alias = lc($alias); if ($ct eq $alias) { # the following is amusing for finding all states that # have a city of the given name: if (0) { print STDERR "... $ct, $st ...\n"; } enroll_whole_city($city); $did1++; } } } ### $did1 || print STDERR "No match for city '$ct' in state '$st' given arg '$idarg'\n"; } $did1 || die "No match for city '$ct' in any state given arg '$idarg'\n"; } #xxxx printf STDERR "Sorry, not implemented: stateless city: '$idarg'\n"; } # end loop over idargs } main: { my $cycle_number; my $newer = 1; my $index_only = 0; # don't actually download the files, just list them my $id_type="ICAO"; # use ICAO airport ID codes as default my $proto = 'https'; # use SSL if at all possible my $preindex_url = "$proto://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/" . 'aeronav/digital_products/dtpp/search/'; argloop: while(@ARGV) { my $arg = shift @ARGV; $arg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #down shift the case on everything my $opt = $arg; if ($opt =~ s/^-?-//) { if ($opt eq 'index-only') { $index_only = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 'old' || $opt eq 'older') { $newer = -1; } elsif ($opt eq 'help' || $opt eq 'h') { usage(); exit 0; } elsif ($opt eq 'verbose' || $opt eq 'v') { $verbosity++; } elsif ($opt eq 'n' || $opt eq 'nofetch') { $really = 0; } elsif ($opt eq 'cycle') { my $cycle = shift @ARGV; if (! defined $cycle) { print STDERR "-cycle requires an argument (cycle number)\n"; exit 1; } $cycle_number = 0 + $cycle; } else { die "Unrecognized option '$arg'\n"; } next argloop; } push @idargs, $arg; } # end of arg loop # Lets go to the main site and parse out the revision number # and the effective period. my $from_edate; my $to_edate; if (!$cycle_number) { if ($verbosity) { $verbosity && print STDERR "Fetching preindex using url: $preindex_url\n"; } my $content = get $preindex_url; if (!defined $content) { print STDERR "unable to fetch contents of index page.\n"; print STDERR "URL was: $preindex_url\n"; exit 1; } get_ed: for my $line (split("\n", $content)) { chomp $line; my $patt = '(https?)://aeronav.faa.gov/' . 'd-tpp/([0-9]+)/xml_data/d-tpp_Metafile.xml'; if ($line =~ m/$patt/) { $cycle_number = $2; my $metafile_url = $&; if ($verbosity) { print STDERR "Found cycle_number $cycle_number ... $1\n"; } } } } if (!$cycle_number) { die "Failed to obtain cycle number from $preindex_url\n"; } # Here with the appropriate cycle number. # typical chart file: # http://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1607/00430il11l.pdf # uppercase works too, and is easier on the eyes: # http://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1607/00430IL11L.pdf # standard metafile (but was briefly missing): # http://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1012/xml_data/d-TPP_Metafile.xml # older metafile: # http://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1012/d-TPP_Metafile.xml # # Another (emergency) way to obtain: metafile "d-TPP_Metafile.xml" # http://www.aeronav.faa.gov/upload_313-d/terminal/DDTPPE_201607.zip my $cycle_dir = "tpp-$cycle_number"; if (! -d "$cycle_dir") { print STDERR "Creating cycle directory '$cycle_dir'\n"; mkdir ("$cycle_dir") || die "Failed to mkdir '$cycle_dir' : $!\n"; } my $didsome = 0; my $metafile = "$proto://$main_chart_host/d-tpp/" . "$cycle_number/xml_data/d-TPP_Metafile.xml"; my $sts = url_to_file($metafile, "$cycle_dir/d-TPP_Metafile.xml"); if ($sts == 500) { ## try again $proto = 'http'; print STDERR "*** Warning: trying downgrade to $proto\n"; $metafile = "$proto://$main_chart_host/d-tpp/" . "$cycle_number/xml_data/d-TPP_Metafile.xml"; $sts = url_to_file($metafile, "$cycle_dir/d-TPP_Metafile.xml"); } if (!is_success($sts)) { die"Bad sts: $sts\n"; } if (is_success($sts) && $sts != 298 && $sts != 299) { $didsome++; } ($from_edate, $to_edate) = scan_meta("$cycle_dir/d-TPP_Metafile.xml", $cycle_number); scan_identifier_args; #xxxxx print Dumper(@states); # Here with a list of things to fetch in %todo and %todo2 my $didgripe = 0; if (! -d "$cycle_dir") { mkdir ("$cycle_dir") || die "Failed to mkdir '$cycle_dir' :: $!\n"; } if (! -d "$cycle_dir/compare_pdf") { mkdir "$cycle_dir/compare_pdf"; # should check for errors here } if ($really) { charter: for my $doit (keys %todo) { my $sts = url_to_file("$proto://$main_chart_host/d-tpp/$cycle_number/$doit", "$cycle_dir/$doit"); if (is_success($sts) && $sts != 298 && $sts != 299) { $didsome++; } if (is_success($sts)) { next charter; } if ($sts == 500 && !$didsome) { $proto = 'http'; print STDERR "*** Warning: trying downgrade to $proto\n"; $sts = url_to_file("$proto://$main_chart_host/d-tpp/$cycle_number/$doit", "$cycle_dir/$doit"); if (is_success($sts) && $sts != 298 && $sts != 299) { $didsome++; } if (is_success($sts)) { next charter; } $didgripe++; } } if ($didgripe){ print STDERR "xxx Some charts failed to fetch.\n"; } ## url_to_file('http://localhost/asdfasdf', 'barf', ok404=>'OK'); for my $doit (keys %todo2) { url_to_file("$proto://$main_chart_host/d-tpp/$cycle_number/$doit", "$cycle_dir/$doit", ok404=>'OK') || exit 3; } } elsif ($verbosity) { if (%todo) { print "Would have fetched:\n"; print join("\n", sort keys %todo), "\n"; } if (%todo2) { print "Also would have tried to fetch:\n"; print join("\n", sort keys %todo2), "\n"; } } ## Calculate the index /last/, so it can be smart ## about the existence of newly-downloaded files: write_index_html($cycle_number, $from_edate || '???', $to_edate || '!!!'); }