##### .XCompose Definitions ##### # Hint: For testing: # ibus-daemon -r -d # detach xterm+ ; exit # after replacing ibus-daemon # xxx ibus restart # breaks everything, no XCompose at all # Start by loading standard system definitions from: # /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose include "%S/en_US.UTF-8/Compose" ## Next, define some symbols that are neither math nor Greek ## one shortcut is already defined in system-wide control file: ## : "ß" # system predefined esszett (sharp s) : "ß" # another way of writing esszett (sharp s) ## Also eth and capital Eth are already defined: ## : "ð" eth # LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH ## Also thorn and capital Thorn: ## : "þ" thorn # LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN ## Math-Related Symbols: # We use digit <0> # (This stands in contrast to the system, which uses letter , which is dumb.) <0> : "‰" U2030 # PER MILLE SIGN : "¿" questiondown # INVERTED QUESTION MARK : "​" # U200B zero-width space : " " # U202F thin nonbreaking space : "∇" # \nabla, \del : "ℏ" # \planckv, \hbar : "⊢" # \vdash : "⊣" # \dashv : "∥" # \parallel : "⟨" # left angle bracket, bra : "⟩" # right angle bracket, ket <1> <0> : "∞" # infinity, \infty <1> <2> : "½" # \half <1> <3> : "⅓" # one-third <1> <4> : "¼" # one-fourth : "≡" # \equiv : "≈" # \approx : "♭" # musical flat symbol

: "♯" # sharp : "𝄫" # double flat : "𝄪" # double sharp : "♮" # natural # Systematic names for math symbols # (as opposed to typographical / visual puns): # We prefer the LaTeX name if there is a conflict with the unicode name # e.g. \partial instead of ∂ and \langle instead of ⟨ : "ℏ" # \planckv, \hbar

: "∏" # product, \prod, #x220F : "∑" # summation, \sum, #x2211 : "§" # section symbol, \S, #x00a7 : "≪" # much less than, \ll, #x226a : "≪" # much less than, \ll, #x226a # ........ (not to be confused with quote « #xba) : "≫" # much greater than, \gg, #x226b : "≫" # much greater than, \gg, #x226b # ........ (not to be confused with quote » #xbb) : "≥" # greater than or equal to, \ge : "≤" # less than or equal to, \le : "∇" # \nabla, \del ##??? : "”" # "cancel character" #x0094 : "÷" # divide-by, \div : "†" # dagger, \dag : "‡" # double dagger, \Dag, \ddag : "‡" # double dagger, \Dag, \ddag : "∫" # integral, \int : "⋅" # \cdot ⋅ x22c5 (compare · · xb7) : "√" # \sqrt : "√" # \surd, in unicode (but not tex) the same as sqrt : "−" # math minus (not the same as hyphen "-") : "∓" # math minus-or-plus : "≡" # \equiv : "×" # \times : "∞" # infinity \infty : "∧" # \wedge : "∧" # \and : "∨" # \vee : "∨" # \or : "⟨" # left angle bracket, bra, \langle : "⟨" # left angle bracket, bra, \langle : "⟩" # right angle bracket, ket, \rangle : "⟩" # right angle bracket, ket, \rangle

: "∂" # \part(ial) derivative ∂

: "∥" # \prll (parallel) : "☠" # skull : "°" # degree symbol # The trailing space is necessary, # lest it conflict with infty: : "∈" # \in set membership; # Greek letters: # reference: # https://newton.cx/~peter/2013/04/typing-greek-letters-easily-on-linux/ # plus jsd modifications and extensions : "α" # -> alpha : "β" # -> beta : "γ" # -> gamma : "δ" # -> delta : "ε" # e -> epsilon : "ζ" # -> zeta : "η" # variant e -> eeta : "θ" # -> theta : "ι" # -> iota : "κ" # -> kappa : "λ" # -> lambda : "μ" # -> mu : "ν" # -> nu : "ξ" # -> xi : "ο" # plain o -> omicron

: "π" # -> pi : "ρ" # -> rho : "σ" # s -> sigma : "ς" # variant s -> variant sigma : "τ" # -> tau : "υ" # -> upsilon : "φ" # -> phi : "ϕ" # -> variant phi : "χ" # -> chi

: "ψ" # variant p -> psi : "ω" # variant o -> omega : "ω" # visual pun too hard to resist : "Α" # -> capital Alpha : "Β" # -> capital Beta : "Γ" # -> capital Gamma : "Δ" # -> capital Delta : "Ε" # E -> capital epsilon : "Ζ" # -> capital Zeta : "Η" # variant E -> capital Eeta : "Θ" # -> capital Theta : "Ι" # -> capital Iota : "Κ" # -> capital Kappa : "Λ" # -> capital Lambda : "Μ" # -> capital Mu : "Ν" # -> capital Nu : "Ξ" # -> capital Xi : "Ο" # plain O -> capital Omicron

: "Π" # -> capital Pi : "Σ" # -> capital Sigma : "Τ" # -> capital Tau : "Υ" # -> capital Upsilon : "Φ" # -> capital Phi : "Χ" # -> capial Chi

: "Ψ" # variant P -> capital Psi : "Ω" # variant O -> capital Omega : "Ω" # upper-case version of visual pun # Double-struck capital letters: # Only a few (HNPQRZ) display correctly under xterm at the moment, # but they all look OK in emacs and in email. : "𝔸" : "𝔹" : "ℂ" : "𝔻" : "𝔼" : "𝔽" : "𝔾" : "ℍ" : "𝕀" : "𝕁" : "𝕂" : "𝕃" : "𝕄" : "ℕ" : "𝕆"

: "ℙ" : "ℚ" : "ℝ" : "𝕊" : "𝕋" : "𝕌" : "𝕍" : "𝕎" : "𝕏" : "𝕐" : "ℤ" # Another way to make Subscripts and Superscripts # needed because Ctrl and Ctrl are intercepted by # firefox for zoom-in and zoom-out <0> : "₀" <1> : "₁" <2> : "₂" <3> : "₃" <4> : "₄" <5> : "₅" <6> : "₆" <7> : "₇" <8> : "₈" <9> : "₉" # ₐ ₑ ₕ ᵢ ⱼ ₖ ₗ ₘ ₙ ₒ ₚ ᵣ ₛ ₜ ᵤ ᵥ ₓ ₍ ₎ ₊ ₋ : "ₐ" ## : ??? ## : ??? ## : ??? : "ₑ" ## : ??? ## : ??? : "ₕ" : "ᵢ" : "ⱼ" : "ₖ" : "ₗ" : "ₘ" : "ₙ" : "ₒ"

: "ₚ" ## : ??? : "ᵣ" : "ₛ" : "ₜ" : "ᵤ" : "ᵥ" ## : ??? : "ₓ" ## : ??? ## : ??? : "₍" : "₎" : "₊" #subscript math plus : "₋" #subscript math minus # Beware that uparrow ("^") is more properly called asciicircum # BEWARE (!!) that many sequences involving ^ are already # spoken for in the system Compose file, # including quite a few dead_circumflex sequences. <0> : "⁰" <1> : "¹" <2> : "²" <3> : "³" <4> : "⁴" <5> : "⁵" <6> : "⁶" <7> : "⁷" <8> : "⁸" <9> : "⁹" : "⁺" : "⁻" # superscript math minus : "⸴" # fake (look-alike) superscript comma : "⁽" : "⁽" : "ᵃ" : "ᵇ" : "ᶜ" : "ᵈ" : "ᵉ" : "ᶠ" : "ᵍ" : "ʰ" : "ⁱ" : "ʲ" : "ᵏ" : "ˡ" : "ᵐ" : "ⁿ" : "ᵒ"

: "ᵖ" ## Not implemented in unicode: ## https://www.quora.com/Why-is-there-no-character-for-superscript-q-in-Unicode ####### : "?" : "ʳ" : "ˢ" : "ᵗ" : "ᵘ" : "ᵛ" : "ʷ" : "ˣ" : "ʸ" : "ᶻ" : "ᴬ" : "ᴮ" ## : "" : "ᴰ" : "ᴱ" ## : "" : "ᴳ" : "ᴴ" : "ᴵ" : "ᴶ" : "ᴷ" : "ᴸ" : "ᴹ" : "ᴺ" : "ᴼ"

: "ᴾ" ## : "" : "ᴿ" ## : "" : "ᵀ" : "ᵁ" : "ⱽ" : "ᵂ" ## : "" ## : "" ## : ""