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Values Voters Should Read the Instructions
John Denker

Paul Ryan and his posse think they’re all gonna go to heaven some day. Evidently they have not read the instructions.

There are a lot of voters who take Christian values very very seriously. Values voters ought to stick with the Gospel of Matthew and reject the Gospel of Ayn Rand. Values voters ought to treat Ryan as a dangerous heretic.

I wish Democrats would make this more of a campaign issue. When the Mammonite politicians claim to represent “values” voters and “patriotic” voters, Democrats need to make the counter-argument, strongly and insistently. One can make similar arguments about other issues: Democratic values are a good match to traditional biblical values of peace, humility, tolerance, stewardship, truthfulness, et cetera. These are of course not the only arguments, but my point is that arguments of this kind should not be neglected. When the other guy’s strongest ploy is bogus, you ought not let it go unchallenged.


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