Exploring a Maze using only Local Information

Move the mouse over the maze to explore.  Clicking is not necessary;
just hovering over the maze suffices.  You can only explore cells
adjacent to cells that you have already visited.  You cannot see
through or walk through walls.

The goal is to find the cheese.  You will not know where it is -- or
even what it looks like -- until you have found it.  You do not
initially have an overview of the maze.  If you want to see what the
maze looks like, you have to /earn/ that information by exploring.
This is an apt metaphor for how research is done.  For details,
see ./research-maze.htm

Clever strategies can make the search more efficient, but no matter
how clever you are, you will spend a goodly amount of time exploring
dead ends.  This does not mean that you made a bad decision, or made a
mistake.  It's just part of the cost of obtaining information.

Extra features:
'N' to start a new game.
'P' to toggle seeing python source.
'J' to toggle seeing how it compiles into javascript.
'C' to clear the print area.

Shift gives the mouse no effect on the maze (so you can move the mouse
without affecting your impressively low score).

Right-drag changes the viewing angle.  Left-drag zooms.

python code
js machine code
extra stuff
Traceback area. To see the problematic code in context, double-click on any code-line here. Lines starting with "<<<" are python source code-lines, while lines starting with ">>>" are the resulting assembly-language (javascript) code-lines.

The "▼" symbol indicates where on the line the javascript evaluation machine thinks the problem is.