AZ08 Primary
LastName FirstName Votes Percentage
Lesko, Debbie 25,508 35.77%
Lovas, Phil 17,031 23.88%
Montenegro, Steve 16,987 23.82%
Stump, Bob 3,832 5.37%
Van Steenwyk, Clair 1,692 2.37%
Sylvester, Christopher 1,370 1.92%
Lien, David "Dave" 1,261 1.77%
Mack, Richard 1,014 1.42%
Yates, Mark 799 1.12%
Allen, Chad 747 1.05%
Dilley, Brenden 734 1.03%
Dolgos, Stephen 345 0.48%
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Total Rep 71,320 100.00%
Turnout 37.87% of 188311 active registered
LastName FirstName Votes Percentage
Tipirneni, Hiral 21,703 59.62%
Westbrook, Brianna 14,701 40.38%
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Total Dem 36,404 100.00%
Turnout 33.03% of 110213 active registered
Total all parties 107,724
Precincts Reporting: 100.00%
Registered Voters: 456000
Ballots Cast: 109426
Voter Turnout: 24.00%